
【又名】Heart of the Sword / Duangjai Jom Krabi / Duangjai Jorm Krabi / Duangchai Chom Krabi / 剑客之心 / 剑之心 / Tales of the Grandmaster / 一代宗师故事
【編劇】Sirilux Srisukon
【導演】Worawit Khuttiyayothin
【主演】諾拉帕特·維拉潘, 艾絲特·蘇普莉拉, 薩拉·納拉帕塞爾庫, 娜塔雅·通森, 薩得瓦·協塔貢
【類型】劇情, 奇幻, 武俠
俠客劍心(ดวงใจจอมกระบี่)DramasQ線上看為你提供《俠客劍心》:又名ดวงใจจอมกระบี่。當娜琳雅意外地從青島懸崖上掉下來時,她的人生到達了一個轉折點。在崖底,她遇到了一個奇怪的傢伙。他不是普通人,而是她翻譯的中國武俠小說中的武術家。雲虎幫幫主王一天在武林中遇刺身亡。然而,由於某種奇蹟,他被帶到了一個新世界。在這裡,他愛上了Nalinya,並開始保護她,因爲她似乎也是暗殺的目標。 Nalinya's life reaches a turning point when she accidentally falls off of the Ching Dao cliff. At the bottom, she meets a strange guy. He's no ordinary man, but a martial artist from the Chinese wuxia novel she's translating. Wang Yi Tian, the leader of the Cloud Tiger sector, was assassinated in the martial world. However, by some miracle, he was brought into a new world. Here, he falls in love with Nalinya and begins to protect her as she too seems to be the target of assassination.